Overhaul Mk2
Commences 10th June 2014
Overhaul is a eight week outdoor fitness program.
It’s a fun and challenging outdoor group-training program designed to improve your health and fitness levels while enjoying the beautiful outdoors.
We approach exercise through circuit training, and group team-building activities with results of increased muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, cardio-respiratory endurance, improved self-image and decrease in body fat. You will upgrade your entire level of fitness; learn nutrition habits and guidelines and lifelong exercise habits.
Overhaul is all of that and more. It is specifically formulated to ensure you get results.
What to expect
The first day will consist of a physical assessment to determine your current fitness level, ascertain your goals, and give us a reference point for later in the program to assess your improvements.
The assessment will be comprised of several fitness tests including a 2.4km run, push ups, sit ups and body circumference measurements. If you wish to have the fitness testing done in private, let us know and we’ll be happy to arrange an alternate time or location.
We will also review your Health Questionnaire, Goal Setting Worksheet and answer any questions you may have. All further sessions will utilize a variety of team and individual based exercises. You will be pushed out of your comfort zone … but you will also get results.
How long
Eight Weeks.
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 5:30am.
Tuesday 10th June 2014.
How do I join?
Simply fill in a Reservation Form and get it back to us. Overhaul Reservation – June 2014.