

Pilates Pilates We are proud to be in partnership with @purepilatestoowoomba who offer our members two classes per week, all included in your Fighting Fit membership. 5.45am on Monday & Friday @ their studio on Russell St. We love our sessions with Petrina –...
Super Smoothies

Super Smoothies

Super Smoothies Super Smoothies After a workout, your body needs to replace the nutrients, protein, & electrolytes lost in your session. That’s where our tasty post-workout smoothies come in handy as they can help you get some goodness back in your body quickly...
Monday, Wednesday and Friday Classes

Monday, Wednesday and Friday Classes

Monday, Wednesday and Friday Classes Monday, Wednesday & Friday Classes Have you ever seen a boxer/kickboxer who wasn’t in incredible shape? Chances are, you haven’t. Our Monday, Wednesday and Friday sessions are full-body workouts that will push your body to the...
Our Saturday’s

Our Saturday’s

Our Saturday’s Our Saturday’s Saturday sessions are changing … we are going old school! Expect your training to replicate military and combat styles, where each session will be physically demanding to ensure you’re ready for any ‘obstacle’ life throws your...
Harmony Day

Harmony Day

Harmony Day Harmony Day Harmony Day coincides with the United Nations International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination, with the message to celebrate diversity & respect of everyone. The hallmark of Harmony Day is “Everyone Belongs” & this day is...