Final Lean & Clean
5th October 2015

Final Lean and Clean
Lean and Clean is your opportunity to experience something new by focusing on nutrition and new leaning methods. Prepare to be physically and mentally challenged like never before. Lean and Clean is a 12 week program that will get you results.
You will be expected to put in 100% effort at all times. You will upgrade your entire level of fitness, learn nutrition habits and guidelines along with lifelong exercise habits.
Get the body you want today!
Where to Meet
The Lean & Clean crew will meet at Fighting Fit for each session. Please be five minutes early.
Monday to Friday at 5.30am, 9am or 5.30pm & Saturday at 6.30am.
How long
All session will be run for 60mins.
A deposit of $200 required to secure your spot and 8 weeks to pay the remaining balance prior to completion of program.
What to expect
Lose body fat whilst increasing lean muscle mass. Get fit seriously fast. Focus on a positive mindset change. Enter into your own Private Facebook group.
Be motivated to do things you thought you weren’t capable of. All sessions will be scaled for all fitness levels.
Be prepared to be physically as well as mentally entertained every session. We will also review your Health Questionnaire, Goal Setting Worksheet and answer any questions you may have.
Individualised Nutrition.
Whilst you will have expectations of us and what we will provide, we at Fighting Fit will also have an expectation of you.
We expect all participants to give 100% effort in every session without question.
We expect to be notified immediately if you have an injury of any description which may prevent your full effort in any training session.
Train hard, laugh loud & have fun.
What to expect from us?
100% planning, effort and dedication to all training sessions.
What to wear
Wear comfortable workout attire consisting of a t-shirt, shorts, tracksuit if preferred, along with sturdy and supportive athletic footwear (running shoe or cross-trainer).
What to bring
Water bottle, a positive attitude and a desire to get in shape!
Physical Training Component – All sessions will be programmed by highly qualified Fighting Fit Australia coaches.
Nutrition Component – Nutrition to suit your individulised needs tailored by Tess and Cara.
Results driven program
We will push you to ensure we get every effort from you at all times.
We will hold you accountable at all times.
We will not accept excuses for not showing up.
Tough love will be dished out.