Don’t suffer in silence

Don’t suffer in silence
I am one of the lucky ones. I don’t have a truly horrible birthing experience, my boys were all born healthy & breastfed easily, & although I often felt alone & isolated in the first few months of having a newborn, I managed & we all survived.
For others, it’s not this simple & I know that there are many, who are not as lucky as I was.
The idea that maternal mental health is taboo appalls me, because it is a topic that needs to be talked about & talked about.
I have had many clients come to see me, struggling after the birth of their babies, wondering if they are the only ones who feel this way, not knowing where to turn or to whom. Scared that if they admit to their feelings, they have somehow failed.
To have carried a life, delivered a life & to serve a life that is not your is not a failure. This is an accomplishment.
But how our psyche responds to motherhood can be so varied. For some, this is a calm, serene experience, and for others, the beginning of motherhood is overwhelming and claustrophobic, leading to feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness.
We worry if we’re doing a good job, are we asking too many questions, or for too much help from our partners, are we doing all the right things, or that we can’t lose that baby weight fast enough …
There are treatments for postnatal depression readily available, ones that work, such as brief cognitive-behavioural therapy, focused on helping mothers enjoy this important time of their life, and to provide the best environment for their baby.
But the first step is to talk about it. If you are a mother struggling with these feelings, let someone you trust know, or talk with your GP. If you are a friend or a family member & can see a mum who’s not managing so well during their pregnancy or with their newborn, talk to them, offer your ear, your arms and your help.
You are not alone. Don’t suffer in silence.