Which one are you?

Which one are you?
Tess & I are very different when it comes to achieving our daily tasks …
Generally, Tess has a long list of things to do & does them all, whereas I like to keep it simple. Well, that’s what I tell myself …
The truth is, I’m a procrastinator. It drives Tess crazy (but she still loves me) & in all honesty, it’s never been good for me either.
I go through periods where I can overcome it. I’m organised, centred, calm & ready for anything!
But for the majority of the time, I find (& go looking for … ) distractions so that I can avoid completing what lies ahead of me.
Now, in my defence & at the defence of many like me, I will say that I like to take my time, I like to think over things, get my creative juices flowing, formulate solutions … yes, this is before I do most things. So you can see where the time goes.
One major trouble for us procrastinators is that this can lead to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, depression, and self-doubt.
Mild procrastination is normal & can be useful to identify what is truly important, because we are less likely to procrastinate on those highly valued tasks. But chronic procrastination is detrimental to our overall psychological well-being. We are left with many unfinished tasks, often feeling overwhelmed & stressed, but unable to find a way forward.
If you’re anything like me, my best advice is to prioritise one or two things a day, do them & if you can add in extras after this – great!! Or,just imagine Tess telling you “Just get it done!!” in her gym voice.
But, if you’re like Tess, just remember that taking a little bit of time can help reduce any anxiety that comes with a long list of ‘must do’s’. It’s ok to slow down & have a break every now & then … it won’t be the end of world!!