Gut Health

Gut Health
Inflammation is a natural, and essential part of healing. However, when left unchecked, unbalanced and untreated, its effects can be felt throughout the body, manifesting itself in illness, chronic pain, digestive issues and more.
We can reduce serious inflammation by cultivating optimal gut health & bettering our overall health for the long term.
Good gut health is paramount in our body being able to fight illness, prevent disease & improve physical & psychological wellbeing.
Keep your gut happy with these top tips & you’re on your way to stronger, happier & healthier you!
Get the basics right … you cannot heal your gut if you continue to reverse this process by feeding it toxic foods. Inflammatory foods include starchy carbs, such as white rice, pasta and bread, as well as sugar, soft drinks, sugary juices and processed foods. These all contribute to inflammation and feed the unhealthy gut bacteria.
Avoid trans-fats at all costs!! All genetically modified foods, processed meats, shortened, hydrogenated oils, margarines, as well as meats that have been fed with grains, antibiotics or hormones. Reversing gut health can start when you remove these foods from your diet.
Heal the gut with probiotics … Colonising good gut bacteria with probiotics is essential for reversing signs of inflammation and helping your gut operate to the fullest.
Introducing (if you haven’t already) probiotics into your diet can vastly improve the immune system with their health-boosting micro-organisms.
Foods & drinks such as sauerkraut, full-fat natural yoghurt, kombucha & kefir, provide a fast way to add natural probiotics & boost your immune system.
One important & often overlooked benefit of probiotics include the positive effect upon mental health through the support given to the digestive system. The guy is the gateway to the brain.
Feed the good bacteria … Prebiotics offer fuel for probiotics to do their job, as they require sustenance to be active in the gut. Feeding the body prebiotics, non-digestible food fibres – allows probiotics to thrive in the gut & stick to the bowel wall. Foods such as bananas, dandelion greens, garlic, onion and chicory root are abundant sources of prebiotics.
Support your gut health with proper nutrients
In addition to pre-& probiotics, increasing your intake of anti-inflammatory & fibrous foods are essential to supporting a healthy gut.
Foods such as figs, turmeric, rosemary, ginger, those high in omega-3 fatty acids & good fats are best choices to improve overall health & wellbeing.