What is GABA?

What is GABA?
When working with Individualised Nutrition plans … our first priority is to determine ones nature and deficiencies.
GABA dominant personalities (about 50% of the world’s population) demonstrate attributes of stability, consistency, sociability and concern for others. GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, and has a stabilising and calming effect. It controls the brain’s rhythm, allowing a person to function at a steady pace and preventing them from becoming too “hyper”. GABA nature’s are the most dependable people, and can be relied upon to show up consistently and to be there when others need them. They are sensible and remain calm in a sea of chaos. GABA natures enjoy taking care of others, and although they like group activities, cherish one-on-one relationships. Nurturing and making others happy is the ultimate goal for GABA natures. They are not prone to wide swings of emotion or outbursts of anger. GABA natures are practical, like to be organised and find schedules comforting.
Excessive GABA
It is however, possible to have too much of a good thing. Those who produce excessive GABA can become rigidly organisational, micromanage those around them, and lead to excessive nurturing – spending significant time and energy attending to the needs of those they love, at the cost of their own needs not being met, relying heavily on friends and craving their judgement and approval.
GABA deficient: The Drama Queen
When looking at GABA deficiencies, it is generally apparent that a person’s rhythm is off, and these effects can be seen with even mild deficiencies, due to the importance of GABA in maintaining the brain’s function. Low GABA levels can impact upon the body in many ways, however, none more pronounced than the emotional wellbeing of a person, leading to impairments in dealing with life’s stressors. Those may begin to feel nervous, anxious, highly irritable, display severe mood swings, become inappropriately theatrical, show poor impulse control and have difficulty with concentration and poor verbal memory. Anxiety related physical symptoms of mild GABA deficiencies can include restlessness, sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach and a lump in the throat.
Other physical manifestations of low GABA levels can include an increase in allergies and allergic responses, transient aches, instability while walking, indigestion issues and sleeping disturbances. Excessive alcohol use can also signal a significant GABA deficiency, A person may feel that there is something wrong with their general health, as these symptoms occur one after the other.
As a GABA deficiency increases, the related physical and psychological symptoms are also amplified.
In terms of boosting a person’s GABA levels, there a number of things we look at
- The use of the pure amino-acid Glutamine and amino-acid boosting supplement L-Glutamine
- Other supporting supplements including Inositol, B group vitamins
- Dietary supports and food types, including glutamine-rich foods, complex carbohydrates, tree nuts, whole-grain wheat, vegetables and fruit
- Lifestyle supports such as sleep, aerobic exercise and sexual activity
Obtaining a GABA balance is important for all of us.
T & C xx