We want to educate you

We want to educate you

We want to educate you We want to educate you A little snippet of what our Edge Effect members have access to … our aim is to educate them about the mind and body. You may have heard us talk about cortisol levels, the role it plays in your body & in response...
Aussie 10

Aussie 10

Aussie 10 Aussie 10 Introduction Climb the highest ten peaks on the Australian mainland with Phoenix Adventures! All ten peaks are located in the beautiful and rugged Kosciuszko National Park, which is about a two-hour drive from Canberra. This is a challenging but...
Bali 2017

Bali 2017

Bali 2017 Bali 2017 Phoenix Haven is designed for you to take a break from the chaos of everyday life and to refocus your energy towards your values and needs. The haven is a health and wellness retreat that focuses on improving and strengthening your physical and...
Meet our mum and son duo

Meet our mum and son duo

Meet our mum and son duo Meet our mum and son duo Meet our mum and son duo Sarah & Zac Barford. These two can be seen in the afternoon around the gym with their contagious grins & easygoing personalities. They are both a delight to know, always up for a chat...
Have you got everything you need?

Have you got everything you need?

Have you got everything you need? Have you got everything you need? Fuck off. No one has it all. Everyone has their own baggage, their own stresses and issues that generally can’t be seen from the outside. Sometimes we need that extra push, that ear to listen, some...